The California

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The blog is a little bit messed up right now because I am in the process of changing templates. I thought I would throw up some pictures in the meantime.


rph said...

Scott, I just connected to your blog from Sister Neeley's; I think she thinks your wife's name is Lindsay.

Scott Brown said...

What up Rich?! Ashley and Jodi are on a strictly wrong-name basis.

corryfever said...

AHHH lily is so dang cute!!! I wish we could have seen her when you guys were here, you must take another trip soon! The asians love her, that is the funniest picture i have ever seen! Ash, I am sorry I didn't call when we were in town, we didn't seen anybody. Colton had an aweful sinus infection and i would have died if lily baby got it!

Kris said...

I thought I'd check Lilly's page today and loved the new pictures. Oh my gosh I cannot believe how cute your little girl is. She definitely got the famous Brown personality! =)

MBurt said...

Hey Lily is getting big. You guys probably are too but we never see you so who knows. Is Ashley doing another marathon yet? We need to hang out sometime soon. Thanks for updating the blog!

Claudia said...

HI!! que tal flia Brown las fotos salen muy lindos todos, pero LILY sale hermosa les mando un cariƱo grande desde Argentina los quiero muchos
claudia Ubillus

Scott, Kara, Paul, Brad and Andee said...

Love the pictures. She is so cute!

Jordan and Jodi said...

GOSH I"m such a BAD FRIEND....I totally knew your wife's name and put it wrong....thanks for correcting me after ALL THIS TIME! :) Your daughter is SO cute...I love her hair!