Another Wedding Pic

Monday, June 18, 2007

This is a picture that was taken by Natalie's wedding photographer. What a babe, huh (Lily, not the photographer)?


Anonymous said...

She looks pretty dang cute, if I do say so myself. I guess it's okay for me to say that thought since everyone says she looks like Scott anyways. It's not like I'm saying I'm cute. So I'd like to comment about the poll...I think it's rigged and there are lurking variables like, oh, I don't know, the way the question was asked! Plus, I think Scott's just voting a bunch of times.

Scott Brown said...

I just put the question out there and let the general public decide. Ash, you can go ahead and worry about lurking variables and I will go ahead and worry about the truth. The last time I checked, the truth was that 9 people had voted for my side, and 1 person (that person being you) has voted for your side. Can your lurking variables handle that truth?!

Anonymous said...

The truth is, I read a report on the internet that Sour Patch Kids before the age of 12 month can cause an allergy to wheat and sugar. Can your Sour Patch Kids sucking Lily handle THAT truth?

Scott Brown said...