Week 6 & 7- The Smile
Wednesday, March 14, 2007As you can see from the pictures, the big development over the last couple of weeks is that Lily has started to smile…and not just a little bit…she smiles a ton. How much you might ask? I’m not very good with numbers but I would say anywhere between 30 and 5,000 times a day, so yeah, quite a bit.
We have discovered two ways that, if she is in the right mood, are guaranteed to get a smile out of her. The first is by doing Head Shoulder Knees and Toes where, almost without fail, when you touch her nose at the end, she gets this big grin on her face. All of the smiling pictures you see are taken immediately after touching her nose. The other way, which we just discovered this week, is to sing the ABC’s. The kid gets a real kid out of the ABC’s for some reason. There are times when you are saying them when almost the whole song, she’s just cracking up. I’ll get it on video so you can see what I’m talking about.
Now I’m not a baby expert or anything, but doesn’t that seem really fast to be smiling that much…like almost genius level fast? Two weeks ago she didn’t know me from Adam and now she’s laughing every time I say the alphabet. Next week she’ll probably be telling her own jokes. This might be a stretch, but maybe it’s her way of saying, “The alphabet?! Body parts?! Hah! I had those down when I was still in the womb…give me something challenging! I printed off a couple articles on Quantum Physics that I’m going to try reading to her when I get home and we’ll see how she responds…who’s laughing now?
All in all, she just seems to be extraordinarily happy with her life and the job that we are doing as parents.
Posted by Scott Brown at 3:02 PM 1 comments